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黑暗之魂3不死遗骨在哪(黑暗之魂3 不死的遗骨)

黑暗之魂3不死遗骨在哪, 在《黑暗之魂3》中,如果你想让篝火提醒你温度,你必须拥有不朽的骨头,但许多玩家不知道在哪里收集它们。下面小编就给大家介绍一下《黑暗之魂3》不死鸟尸骨的位置,希望对大家有所帮助。玩家们!





Farang's fortress begins with the bonfire "fortress trail", and there are many towers on the right side of the same road.

In the catacombs of the circus, a skull with a hat fell from the ground and was destroyed by a large spherical skeleton, and the immortal ashes would fall off.

Smoked Lake, Daemon Old wang qian Giant Worm Dropped.

Walk from the right, walk from the front passage, and the body on the left hand side disappears.

Yierxier of Ice Valley, after coming out of the bonfire "Joel Deer Church", turned right, and the body behind the stone tablet in front.

The capital of sin, the remains of the bonfire "the capital of sin"

Dragon's training ground began to move forward slightly, jumping off the side of the bridge, and there were bodies.



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