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Mysql 安装问题。提示MySQL Server 5.1 -- Error 1335.

Since the installation of relational database in these two days prompts Mysql server 5.1-error 1335. Cab file "product.cab" requires


Product: MySQL Server 5.1 -- Error 1335.The cabinet file 'product.cab' required for this installation is corrupt and cannot be used. This could indicate a network error, an error reading from the CD-ROM, or a problem with this package.



[19 Jun 2007 11:44] [ name withheld ]


Installing any package give me an error

1335: cabinet file 'product.cab' required for this installation is corrupted and cannot be

used. this could indicate a network error, an error reading form the CDROM, or a problem

with the package

I also get this error installing the Tools 5.0 and all the odbc driver.



How to repeat:

install the packages

[19 Jun 2007 11:54] Sveta Smirnova

Thank you for the report.

We have not problem with installation on Windows Vista in our environment.

Please indicate accurate version of each package you are trying to install.

[19 Jun 2007 12:51] [ name withheld ]

I have Vista Italian version 64 Ultimate edition ( just got the new pc ), all service pack


I finally was able to install 5.0 GA , but I'm still not able to install the ODBC driver

3.5 and 5.0 (3.5 install fine but I don't see the driver loaded when I tri to create the

odbc connection from the control panel, 5.0 give the error and don't install )and the

tools 5.0 .



[19 Jun 2007 13:52] Miguel Solorzano

Thank you for the bug report. I was not able to repeat this issue on

Windows Vista Ultimate X64.

[19 Jun 2007 14:27] [ name withheld ]

I will try with a clean install :(



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